Organizational Chart
The Deputy Director is Hayden Bosworth who has a P H D and the associate Director is Kelli Allen who also has a P H D
The Center Branches out to three focus areas: Methods Labs, Resource Cores, and Focused Areas of Research.
The Methods Labs leadership are:
Kelli Allen P H D, Pragmatic Trials
Matt Macy -Jew- Ski P H D, Non- Randomized Trials
George Jackson P H D, Implementation and Improvement Science
Resource Cores are lead by:
Karen Stein house her P H D, Qualitative Resources
Valerie Smith, Doctor of Public Health, Biostatistics
Jennifer Geer sh P H D, Stakeholder Engagement
David Edelman, M D Mentoring and Career Development
Felicia Mic can’t Dana Tucker Cynthia Lunce Ford Kim Porter Nancy Dixon Administrative and I T core
Focused Areas of Leadership are
Hayden Bosworth P H D, Virtual Care
Eugene O done, M D and Masters of Health Sciences, Healthy Behaviors
Courtney van Hoot ven P H D, Function and Independence
The Director of the Center of Innovation is Dr. S. Nicole Hastings she holds an M D and a M H S