Conceptual Model
ADAPT aims to streamline the translation of health care optimization research into effective clinical practice with a particular focus on Veteran wellness, function, and independence. Our work is guided by a stacked conceptual model:
Impact: To Improve health care to optimize Veteran wellness and Independence
Long-term Outcomes: One Increase innovative health services research. Two Advance state of the art methods to accelerate research discoveries. Three Train next generation of VA research leaders. Four Translate research findings into practice transformation throughout VHA
Short-term Outcomes:
Partner-supported E S P topic nominations to synthesize evidence in key areas, Locally initiated pilot awards supporting highly innovative research, Grant development workshops to catalyze new research ideas, Leverage ongoing work by combining data across studies, Expert consultation for VA researchers, clinical leaders and policy makers, New studies funded by HSR&D, QUERIE, and non-V A sources, Implementation of common measures across projects, New strategic partnerships to expand research and implementation capacity, Increased number of faculty trained in implementation science, Established VISIN and V A M C innovation council, Individualized mentoring plans for fellows and junior faculty, and New mechanisms for engagement and two way communication with stakeholders
Focused Research Areas: Healthy Behaviors, Virtual Care, and Function and Independence
Methods Labs: Pragmatic Clinical Trials, Non-Randomized Design, Implementation and Improvement Science
Resource Cores: Administrative and IT, Biostatistics, Qualitative, Stakeholder Engagement, and Mentoring and Career Development
Inputs: V A and H S R and D Priorities, W H O Resilient Health Systems Framework, and Stakeholder Listening Sessions